Eid mubarak!
Salam semuaaaa :)
First and foremost, ana nk ucapkan, Eid mubarak! Minal Aidin wal faiizin wal maqbuulin. Maaf zahir dan batin.
To index no. : 1-12, Ana nk minta maaf ats segala kesilapan yg prna ana lakukan kat antum. Maafkan ana ye? :)
To 13(aslina) : i minta maaf youuu.hehe. syukran ukhti sbb selama ni kejutkan ana tyme klas bila ana trlelap. thankyouuu. ur sooo caring & ily! :)
To 14(thts me! haha): Nothing. Be a good girl ok? okay!
To 15(Fatin): I seek forgiveness for the wrongdoings i've done. whether sengaje ke tk. forgive me oh ukhti :) n ily!
To 16(husna): Naaaaaaaaaaaaaa! i syg u. haha. Ty sbb sudi kawan ngn kte.Bljr same2..Ckp2..haha. Kte minta maaf ats segala kesalahan kte pde awk k.
To 17(Nisa'): Nisa', as ur ukhti, i advise u to be who you want to be.Live up to your dreams. You have the potential.Ty for being there whenever needed.U r such a caring ukhti. i'm sorry if i've hurt you in any way. & ily !
To 18 ('atira): Selamat hari raye awk! Mohon ampun dn maaf ats semua kesalahan kte pde awk. & kte syg awk!
To 19(Fa'iqah.md): FD! ily & thx fr being a gr8t asst.chaiperson. Sorry klw kte prna sakitkan hati awk ke ape2.. study smart :)
To 20(syafiqah): Qaaaaaaah! My most wonderful english speaking friend! hehe. Maafkan kte kalau kte pernah sakitkan hati awk..trlalu tegas pde awk ngn Naaaah. & kte syg awk :)
To 21(Faiqah.F): Bluey! Kawanku yg amaaaat penyabar. Terima kasih ats segala2nya. And mohon ampun dipinta jika kte perna buat awk kecil hati/marah.. & ily :)
To 22(Quraisya): Sahabatku imtisal! Kte saaayaaang awk sgt2. Maafkan kte kalau kte perna sakitkan hati awk..tipu kat awk.. kte cukup sayang pde persahabatn ni. Selamat hari raye awk :)
To 23(Raudhatul): Sahabatku Lien, mudarrisi li lughatul Quraan. asiftu kalau ana perna sakitkan hati anti.. Yg sengaja ataupun tdk. Ana uhibbuki :)
To 24(shaliza): OH kawaaaaaaaaaan. Wlwpun tk selalu bebual, tak slalu nmpk. Ttp fatihah syg sgt2. Dan maafkan fatihah kalau perna sakitkan hati awk k..
To 25(Aisyah): Sahabatku! ana uhibbuki fillah. Maafkan ana eh sahabat.. kalau ana ade sakitkan hati anti,... buat anti sedih.. maafkan ana... :)
To 26(munawwarah): oh ukhti, ily and im sry kalau perna lukakan hati ukhti.Be strong. Allah uhibbu Assaabiriin.(org2 yg sabar)
To 27(najihah): Ukhti natijah wajihah najihah! ana syg anti dan ana minta maaf kalau perna lukakan hati anti.. Ape2 pun.. ana mohon maaf zahir dan batin. :)
To 28(nabilah): Kte sry jgk k kalau perna ape2 kat awk.Marah awk ke..sakitkan hati awk ke.. N ily !
To 29(Zulaikha): oh C ! ana uhibbuki fillah. Wa ana minta maaf ats segala kesalahan ana pde anti... Maafkan ana ye? :)
To mr.
izzad: Selamat hari raye, minal aidin wal faizin. Maafkan student tcher ni yg byk buat kesilapan pde tcher.. Im so sry...
I'm bored and imy guys.
alot.dah abes homework? haha :)And I do agree on earlier posts below..Tak sanggup nk pisah ngn bulan yg penuh keberkatan ni... :( How time flies....
Labels: 14
Ramadhan akan pergi
Assalamualaikum my beloved students...
Hope u are all at the best of Iman and health.
Enjoying your holiday???
missing u people already...
Anyway, Ramadhan has already pass its mid point already... soon it'll be gone...
Saya harap kamu semua tidak mensia-siakan waktu kamu di bulan yg mulia ini...
Kerjakan lah amalan ibadah sebanyak mungkin... semoga kita semua menjadi hamba Allah bertaqwa... Amin...
I love u guys, may Allah bless u all in this month of Ramadhan...
Yes shaliza, I miss u too... awak boleh berjaya jika awak ingin berusaha...
Take care u guys... just remember if i'm no more, please pray for me...
Mystery Zad
How is everyone doing? Fine I hope ;D
..........Aaaahhh Ramdhan is coming to an end, and 3 more weeks before every Muslim around the world will be celebrating Hari Raya....
Feel so sad knowing the Holy, precious month is almost ending. Have we done enough? Some of us might even have bought everything for this upcoming Raya-clothes, shoes, accesories, curtains, TV, cookies,
lontong.......... haha.
We don't have th will to know when ALLAH is going to take back our lives.
HENCE, we people will tend to waste our time just like turning on the tap, letting th splash of water flowing, just.like.that.
...ok mcm dah off track gitu eh.
So.... Use these 21 more days to do as many good deeds as possible, to cover the
sins we had done all these while. InsyaALLAH.
We would'nt know if we could still make it for next year's Ramadhan, correct?Hmmmmmmm
All the best in everything you do, and don't forget to make lots of Doa'! ^^
Signing out,
REAL 29.
(hahaha... 28, you got the wrong index lah. hee)
Labels: 29
Assalamualaikum sume
Long tyme no see u.
Kirekn skrg sume holidae luh nie kn??
So far best?? Enjoy urselves aite.
Jgn stress sgt. Bwt hw maths tau. Sign report bk sume.
Klau korg boring sgt..join Sudden Attack uh.
Game tembak2. Best au. Serious.
Btw. RYC ari ny jgk abes. Nxt wk NOP. Sape gy??
Best tk? Bdk2 RYC for diff mosques,pls comment.
Uhmm.. Slamat berpuase.
Ramadhan Kariim.. Allahu Akram (jgn jwb laen suda)
Wassalam. Tc.
Labels: 29
The one who leads us,
Mr Nur Iman Izzad Bin Othman
(01) Abdul Hafiz Bin Ali Akhbar
(02) Ahadiyat Abadi Bin Rawi
(03) Ahmad Hanafi Bin Muji
(04) Luqmanulhakim Bin Zulaimi
(05) Mohamad Fahrur Bin Mohamad Amran
(06) Mohamed Fahmi Bin Mohamed Nor
(07) Mohamed Fikri Bin Mohamed Harun
(08) Mohammad Shaquille Bin M Dawoodsha
(09) Muhammad Munir Bin Osman
(10) Muhammad Syafiq Bin Abdul Razak
(11) Muhammad Syazwan Ariffuddin Bin Muhammad Kamaldin
(12) Nabil Bin Rahmat
(13) Aslina Binte Abdul Latiff
(14) Fatihatul Insyirah Bte Nailul Hafiz
(15) Fatin Nasuhah Binte Zulkifli
(16) Husna Athirah Binti Yusof
(17) Nisa' Tuzzakirah Binte Sahlan
(18) Nur 'atira Binte Zailani
(19) Nurfa'iqah Binte Mohamed
(20) Nursyafiqah Binte Roslee
(21) Nurul Faiqah Binte Farid
(22) Quraisya Binte Yazid
(23) Raudhatul Jannah Binte Rasman
(24) Shaliza Binte Nassir
(25) Siti Aisyah Binte Hamdan
(26) Siti Munawwarah Binte Mohamad Nasir
(27) Siti Najihah Binte Md.Saed
(28) Tengku Nur Nabilah Binte Tengku Ibrahim
(29) Zulaikha Bte Zulkifli